We have 3 exciting raffle items:
Item 1: ARCHIE! Archie is a Bichon Frise and will be 8-11 pounds fully grown. He is highly intelligent and very inquisitive. He is great with children and already working on being housebroken!
Item 2: BESO! Once again we have a one week stay at Beso del Sol resort in lovely Dunedin, FL. Voted one of the most romantic resorts in the US. From
sunrise to sunset the views are amazing!
Item 3: CHIEFS! Four suite level tickets and Gold parking pass to the Chiefs
home opener vs. Baltimore at noon on 9/22/19. Comes with an autographed
team football and other Chiefs items!
Raffle tickets are $25 each Or 8 for $150
Please fill out the form below to order your raffle tickets.