Our Mission & Vision

Mission: To deliver a Bag of Fun to every child fighting a critical, long-term and life-threatening condition.

Vision: We exist to bring joy, laughter and relief to every child whose health and happiness is threatened and/or compromised.

Our Core Values

Our Story

Bags of Fun Kansas City has delivered over 2,200 medical bags and over 60 mental health bags of fun to children fighting life threatening conditions, and to think it all started with a house party and a pancake breakfast 13 years ago.

Read Our Full Story


Bags Given Across the Country

12,006 in Colorado
2,600 in Kansas City
700 in Omaha

BAGS OF FUN HISTORY - Delivering joy, laughter and relief to every child fighting a life-threatening disease or condition. SEPTEMBER 2004: Gabby Krause Foundation Established. MAY 2005: First BAG OF FUN Delivered in Colorado. AUGUST 2007: Expanded to kidney patients in Colorado. JANUARY 2011: Expanded to Kansas & Missouri. JANUARY 2012: Expanded to Epilepsy patients in Colorado. JANUARY 2015: Expanded to Nuero Rehab, Cardiac Surgery & GI patients in Colorado. OCTOBER 2019: 10,000th BAG OF FUN Delivered Nationwide. JANUARY 2020: Expanded to Nebraska. MAY 2021: Expanded to include Mental Health Bags in Colorado. JUNE 2022 - Gabby's Dream Fund Established. July 2023: Omaha expands to include Madonna Rehab Hospitals. September 2024: 20 years of Bringing Joy Laughter and Relief to kids in Colorado. 20 years of Bags of Fun.